
Thursday, October 18, 2018

Kongsi Ilmu : Muslim


Mayor of London ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM
Mayor of Rochdale ..... MUSLIM.

Now all UK schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT !

All this achieved by just 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population !!!

This is an eye opener

Here Hamza Yakasai Quotes regarding Islam, by some Western philosophers 

1. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
"Islam will rule the world one day, because in it there is a combination of knowledge and wisdom".

2. Herbert Wells (1846-1946)
"Until the effectiveness of Islam again, how many generations will suffer atrocities and life will be cut off  ?  Then one day the whole world will be attracted to it, on that day there will be PEACE  and on that day the world will be inhabited again .

3. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
"I understand that the Muslims did it through their own intelligence and awareness which the Jews could not do. In Islam it is the power that can lead to peace".

4. Huston Smith (1919)
"The faith which is upon us now and which is better than us in the world, is Islam. If we open our hearts and minds for it, then it will be good for us".

5. Michael Nostradamus (1503-1566)
"Islam will be the ruling religion in Europe, and the famous city of Europe will become the Islamic State capital."

6. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"I read Islam and realized that it is to be the religion of all the world and all humanity. Islam will spread throughout Europe and in Europe the big thinkers of Islam will emerge. A  day will come when Islam will be the real stimulus of the world. ".

7. Gosta Lobon (1841-1931)
"Islam only talks about peace and reconciliation. Invite Christians to appreciate the faith of reform."

8. Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
"The whole world will accept Islam religion one day and if it can not even accept the real name, it will accept it by a  name of metaphor. West will accept Islam one day and Islam will be the religion of those who have studied in the world. "

9. Johann Geith (1749-1832)
"We all have to accept Islam religion sooner or later. This is the real religion. If I am called a Muslim, I will not feel bad, I accept this as a  right thing."

Credit: copy paste

Monday, October 1, 2018

Resepi Tauhu Bergedil


4 – 5 biji kentang
Ayam/daging kisar
Bawang besar holand (potong dadu kecil)
Bawang goreng
Daun sup (hiris halus)
Lada merah besar (hiris halus)
Lada hitam (tumbuk halus)
Garam gula (secukup rasa)
Tauhu Goreng

Cara Buat Tauhu Begedil:
  1. Rebus atau goreng kentang yang telah siap dikupas dan bersihkan. Potong wedges supaya cepat masak.. Atie suka goreng berbanding rebus sebab rebus kentang jadi agak berair berbanding goreng yang lebih kering.
  2. Goreng dengan sedikit minyak isi ayam/daging kisar dengan sedikit serbuk perasa sehingga masak.
  3. Kentang di tumbuk atau di lenyek dan masukkan garamgula, lada hitam.
  4. Gaulkan kentang, isi daging yang dimasak, bawang besar, bawang goreng, daun sup dan lada merah tadi bersama hingga serasi. Pakai tangan senang.
  5. Masukkan sedikit telur. Jangan terlalu banyak, takut lembik.*ikut keadaan. Gaul sebati.
  6. Gunakan pisau/gunting untuk memotong sedikit bahagian atas tauhu. Keluarkan isi tauhu dan campur isi tadi dengan bergedil tadi.
  7. Sumbat bergedil kedalam tauhu. Jangan sampai terkeluar.
  8. Pecahkan telur, pukul bersama sedikit garam dan tepung jagung (tepung jagung boleh buat telur menjadi sedikit pekat dan cantik kembang)
  9. Celup dan salutkan satu persatu tauhu begedil, goreng dengan minyak penuh sehingga garing.

Potong macam ni

Sebelum di saluti telur

Untuk Sos Kicap Manis:
Cili padi
Bawang Putih 1ulas
Sedikit cuka/perahan limau.

- Blend semua..

Selamat Mencuba!!